Locomotive Breath

Cras dapibus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Phasellus dolor. Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a, commodo mollis, magna.

Suspendisse faucibus, nunc et pellentesque egestas, lacus ante convallis tellus, vitae iaculis lacus elit id tortor. Proin faucibus arcu quis ante. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue.


Locomotive Breath
Jethro Tull, Aqualung (1971)

In the shuffling madness, of the locomotive breath.
Runs the all-time loser, headlong to his death.

Oh, he feels the piston scraping, steam breaking on his brow.
Old Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop.
Oh no way to slow down.

He sees his children jumping off, at the stations one by one.
His woman and his best friend, in bed and having fun.
Oh, he's crawling down the corridor, on his hands and knees.
Old Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going.
No way to slow down.

He hears the silence howling, catches angels as they fall.
And the all-time winner, has got him by the balls.
Oh, he picks up Gideons bible, open at page one.
I think God he stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going.
No way to slow down.


Disruptive shapes


Value feature illustrations